Russian Red (Flagship Variety)
Russian Red (Flagship Variety)
Lost & found. Nick & Jake were busy raising tomatoes & melons when they noticed a green sea of curly flower heads at the periphery of their plot. These were of course garlic scapes which led them to the beautifully colored bulbs beneath the surface. Samples were sent around the country to garlic experts and the majority consensus was indeed a purple stripe variety, presumably Russian Red. Contact with a previous property owner confirmed the seed variety and its original source, Irish Eye Seeds out of Washington. Since 2018, every last clove has been replanted and 2023 marks their flagship variety's debut.
Those who have dared to sample this garlic raw noted it is the most potent garlic they've ever tasted. Roasted garlic lovers rejoice over the aroma relative to its store-bought counterpart from overseas. This is due to the difference in flavor profile of softneck and hardneck garlic, with hardneck garlic rarely making a presence in the average grocery store.
Seed consistently produces bulbs above 2".